Cuba Travel Itinerary Template Download


Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $35.00.

*UPDATED NOV 2019 to include recent changes to Cuba travel* + FALL SALE

A detailed 13-Day standard Cuba itinerary template to help you plan your OFAC-compliant travels to Havana, Vinales & Trinidad with expert suggestions and local connections.

Connections include recommendations for a local company/person to book transportation between Havana-Vinales, Vinales-Trinidad, Trinidad-Havana. Recommends include specific tour guides and top Cuba travel expert suggestions on the best places to see and the best things to do.

Citations to OFAC’s CACR & the best ways to adhere to Support the Cuban People category. If you would like additional help with your itinerary you may use the $50.00 from this for/towards a personalized/customized itinerary.

Please note that 1:1 travel consultation is not included This document is instantly downloadable upon online payment.

Non-refundable Non-transferable/for paying customers ONLY Email [email protected] with any questions.